Ladakh, where the earth meets the sky.

Musing Mind in solitude and its rhythm! (II)

Hi there, Now that the summer equinox has just begun people of lower village Chede (Chemrey) have drawn their first ‘Pabchi’ (meaning glacier water be drawn for irrigation as a special measure) that is, drawing glacier water for 48 hours non-stop so that families could irrigate their farms! This is an ancient practice still prevalent […]

witnessing unpercedented death in a gloomy year?

Death is always a dreaded subject and people avoid talking about it. Those who work in the hospital doctors, nurses and paramedics encounter deaths on daily basis and it is their profession. Today hundreds of them have died serving the corona victims all over the world. On the other hand the Ven’ble monks too encounter […]

Farming for a meaningful life (III)

Hi there, There is another three weeks left for the sowing to complete in ‘Stod’ (upper Ladakh). As mentioned earlier in the ‘Matd’ (lower Ladakh) had already irrigated their farm lands once or twice at the most three times. Here in Ladakh we get our staple crop barley in two months or sixty days. This […]

Farming for a meaningful life- II

Hi there, In the old parlance it was said that farming was an all round development of an individual. Firstly, it provided the family with basic means of livelihood that is the Food. Secondly everyone involved in farming led a very healthy lifestyle as it demanded strict discipline and hard work. In case of large […]